API Guide
A basic API is available and provides general information about the Pool and use the PoWc.
This page allows you to play with the API.
API Link: https://stelo.xyz/Mining/Api
Use supported methods via POST and get a JSON reply.
Results are given in a "result" field (null if something went wrong) and errors in an "error" field (null if there were no issue).
Also the default method if nothing was sent via POST: useful for services tracking Riecoin Pools, get general pool info like the Mining Power, how many blocks that have been found,...
Get PoW information of a user that gave a valid token: username, PoWc remaining, registered addresses, hash of blocks found during the last 7 days.
consumePoWc(token, amount, comment)
Consume PoWc of a user that gave a valid token.