
Welcome to the Riecoin Mining Pool!

Mine responsibly with the Riecoin's useful PoW. Our mining pool code is based on StellaPool.

Learn how to mine here.

What is Riecoin and why mine RIC?

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Riecoin network: 2131911 blocks | Difficulty 919.758 | 34 peers

Over the last 60 minutes, 12 miners submitted 5628 valid shares and 18 invalid shares with a rate of 1.563 shares/s.

From this rate, we estimate that our miners check 219860 candidates/s and have a Mining Power of 4.923.

The estimated global Mining Power is 59.992, which means that we have about 8.205% of the network strength.

This also means that we should find a block about every 30 min 28 s in average.

To learn more about how to calculate these values, read this article.
We invite miners and other pool operators to study the article and make a proper use of the mining power concepts, in particular there is no such thing as "hasrate" or MH/s or GH/s in Riecoin Mining.

Current Round

We are currently solving our 21878th block, since 9 min 6 s.

Block 2131912 has a difficulty of 918.6484375, so we must find a prime septuplet with numbers around 2918.6484375.
To learn all the conditions that make a block valid, read this article.

If we find it now, we will be rewarded with 12.50000000 RIC, which will be distributed to miners!

And if we even find a 9-tuplet or longer, the finder can claim a Bounty from the Riecoin project!
For this, a account is required and you must associate the block to your Constellation Explorer's username in its Round page.

The latest one we solved was Block 2131908, at 2024-04-25 23:13:03.
Rewards are distributed after 6 confirmations.

1 point is given for 5-shares, 8 for 6-shares, and 64 for blocks. Rewards are distributed proportionally to the points earned.

Want to get a few more RIC? Mine with a account and consume your PoWc in the Riecoin Faucet!